HOME > お知らせ > 【COP10】生物多様性条約第10回締約国会議(CBD/COP10)サイドイベント 森林で生物多様性を守る 〜日本から世界へ〜


【COP10】生物多様性条約第10回締約国会議(CBD/COP10)サイドイベント 森林で生物多様性を守る 〜日本から世界へ〜


CBD/COP10 side event
The role of forests in conservation of global biodiversity “From Japan to the world”

森林で生物多様性を守る 〜日本から世界へ〜


Concept : Various organism depend on forests in this planet. Forests are important ecosystems for biodiversity. In Japan, 67% of the country is a forest. We have enjoyed the blessings of the forest biodiversity. Since the establishment of the CBD, Japan aims to harmonize the diversity conservation with the sustainable use of forests. In this side event, using a case study of Japan, we will report the current approach of biodiversity conservation and forest biodiversity.



Date: Monday 18, October 2010, 13 : 15 - 14 : 45 Today
Venue : Shirotori Hall, Nagoya Congress Center
Organizer: Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Forestry Agency, Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute

日 時:平成 22年 10月 18日 (月曜日) 13 : 15 〜 14 : 45
会 場:名古屋国際会議場 白鳥ホール

主 催: 農林水産省、林野庁、(独)森林総合研究所

○Presentation materials

■Eiji Furukubo (link)
Biodiversity conservation in National Forest in Japan

■Ryuichi Yokoyama (link)
Forest management project based on the partnership among local community, Forestry Agency and NGO (AKAYA-project)

Kimiko Okabe (link)
Japanese forest biodiversity – past, present, and future –

Ian D. Thompson (link)
The global context for change and loss of forest biodiversity

■John J. Leigh (link)
ITTO and the Role of Tropical Forests in the Conservation of Biodiversity

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